The Vancouver Society of Children’s Centres (VSOCC) is a registered non-profit agency providing quality licensed childcare services to over 1500 children and their families each year. Travesia is working with the Sustainability Committee to develop VSOCC’s sustainability strategy. Over the summer and fall of 2014, our engagement has included education for select board and senior executive members, research into staff and stakeholder preferences on sustainability, facilitation of workshops to develop a bold vision and an implementable action plan. In 2015 we were part of the Climate Smart working group and we worked with their staff to calculate VSOCC´s GHG emissions. We look forward to keep working with VSOCC to more deeply integrate sustainability into culture, governance and strategy for the benefits of today and future generations.
” Travesia Partners has been working with VSOCC, leading us has through the process of developing a formal Sustainability Plan. Through their skilled guidance, Pong and Edna have helped us develop a common understanding of sustainability; they have provided training and led workshops to help us identify goals and priority action areas. We are absolutely thrilled to be working with Travesia and are very impressed with their expertise and approach.”