The Global Initiative for Resource Efficient Cities (GI-REC) is a UNEP-led initiative launched in 2012 at the Rio+20 Summit. GI REC seeks to connect the many different entities around the world working on resource efficiency, using UNEP’s convening power to mobilize partners and different constituencies, including governments at the national and local levels, civil society, business and industry and other major groups. The ultimate goal is to mainstream resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production into policies and tools at the city level and to change consumer and industry behavior accordingly.
One of the first projects of the initiative was to conduct a mapping exercise as part of a comprehensive review on resource efficiency in cities. In a partnership of Sustainable Cities International and Infrangilis, we identified what stakeholders and organizations are doing in relation to resource efficiency as well as identified the most appropriate areas for UNEP intervention in the sector. A summary can be downloaded here.