For business, the financial bottom line is clear: no company survives for long unless it can at least break even. But what is the equivalent break-even point for social and environmental performance? How much is enough? This is a profoundly important question for today’s CEOs and corporate investors, but no one has yet come up with an answer. The Future-Fit Business Benchmark is a global initiative that is attempting to do just that. Travesia helped to get the project off the ground in 2013, and since then has played a leading role to make it a reality, through facilitation of partnership building workshops, process design, project management and expert stakeholder engagement. The first version of the Future-Fit Business Benchmark will launch in summer 2015.

“The Future-Fit Business Benchmark is an ambitious project, and to succeed we must bring together a wide range of partners, develop a shared vision, and then get the best out of everyone involved to deliver against that vision. Travesia has been instrumental in making this happen. We couldn’t have got as far as we have, in as short a time as we have, without their tremendous subject-matter expertise, communication skills, and consistently positive outlook.”
Geoff Kendall, CEO, 3D Investment Foundation